Procedure strumentali di Milano Linate

Le più recenti modifiche alle procedure strumentali di Milano Linate sono state le seguenti:

AIRAC A10/23, in vigore dal 30 Novembre 2023:

La cartografia è stata sottoposta a completa revisione a causa del cambio dell’identificativo delle piste 18/36 , per leggere 17/35.

– AIRAC A5/24, in vigore dal 16 Maggio 2024:

Revisione completa a causa della dismissione degli apparati NDB “VOG”, “SRN”, “TZO” e “COD”. Istituzione dei waypoints UVNIB, GANJE e FUCAT.

– AIRAC A8/24, in vigore dal 8 Agosto 2024:

procedura di avvicinamento ILS-Y RWY 35 rinominata ILS or LOC-Y RWY 35 e revisionata.

The most recent changes to instrument procedures at Milan Linate were as follows:

– AIRAC A10/23, effective November 30, 2023:

Instrument procedures underwent a complete revision due to the change of runway identifier 18/36 , to read 17/35.

– AIRAC A5/24, effective May 16, 2024:

Complete revision due to the withdrawal of NDB “VOG”, “SRN”, “TZO” and “COD” apparatus. Establishment of UVNIB, GANJE and FUCAT waypoints.

– AIRAC A8/24, effective August 8, 2024:

Approach procedure ILS-Y RWY 35 renamed as ILS or LOC-Y RWY 35 and subject to review.



RNAV1 or RNP1 Arrival Transition e STAR RWY 35

Informazioni aggiornate alla variante AIRAC A8/24, in vigore dal 8 Agosto 2024.

Information updated at AIRAC A8/24, in force from August 8th, 2024.


Arrival Transition

Segmenti di transizione che conducono ai waypoints: AMOXI, SRN VOR/DME e ASTIG.

Transition segments leading to waypoints: AMOXI, SRN VOR/DME, and ASTIG.



ODINA – TR 148° – SULUR (+FL130) – TR 149° – SRN (+FL100)


TOP – TR 084° – ASTIG (+FL100)




IDONA TR 353° AMOXI (+FL100)


KALMO TR 327° AMOXI (+FL100)

KALIK 3R (at ATC discretion)

KALIK – TR 288° – AMOXI (+FL100)



Procedure che conducono agli IAF su DIXER, SOROP, VOG, UVNIB e UNDAP

Procedures leading to IAF on DIXER, SOROP, VOG, UVNIB, and UNDAP


STAR from North

ODINA 4A (at ATC discretion)

ODINA – TR 130° – TZO (+FL130) – TR 173° – UVNIB (+6000ft)


LUSIL – TR 203° – AFCOD (+FL140) – TR 204° – UVNIB (+6000ft)


OSKOR – TR 266° – AFCOD (+FL100) – TR 204° – UVNIB (+6000ft)


SRN (+FL100) TR 167° UNDAP (+5000ft)

SRN 3N (at ATC discretion)

SRN (+FL100) – TR 167° – UNDAP (+5000ft) – ML608 – TR 084° – DIXER – TR 353° – SOROP (+3000ft)

Procedure strumentali di Milano Linate


STAR from West and East


ASTIG – TR 084° – VOG (+FL100)

OSBUL 4B (at ATC discretion)

OSBUL – TR 304° – PABRO (+FL90) – UVNIB (+5000ft)

Procedure strumentali di Linate


STAR from South

KALIK 5A (at ATC discretion)

KALIK –TR 345° – IBLUN (+FL100) – TR 337° – TOVSA (+6000ft) – UVNIB (+5000ft)

KALIK 3D (at ATC discretion)

KALIK TR 330° ML603 (+FL100) – INVES (+6000ft) – ML604 (+5000ft) – SOROP (+3000ft)


KALIK TR 309° NOGMO (+FL100) – TR 353° – LIMBA (+FL90) – DIXER (+6000ft)


AMOXI – TR 353° – NOGMO (+FL100) – LIMBA (+FL100) – DIXER (+6000ft)

GEN 5J (at ATC discretion)

GEN – TR 349° – ML602 (+FL100) – TR 348° – VOG (+FL100)

Procedure strumentali di Milano Linate

Sui waypoints DIXER, UVNIB, LIMBA, VOG, SRN, KALIK, AMOXI, ASTIG, UNDAP, INVES e AFCOD sono effettuabili circuiti d’attesa RNAV1 .

RNAV1 holding patterns can be performed on DIXER, UVNIB, LIMBA, VOG, SRN, KALIK, AMOXI, ASTIG, UNDAP, INVES e AFCOD waypoints.

Minimum Sector Altitude based on ARP, single sector 360° 25NM MRA 9500ft


Arrival Transition e STAR RWY 35 (ATC discretion)

Procedure revisionate con AIRAC A5/24, in vigore dal 16 Maggio 2024.

Revised procedures with AIRAC A5/24, effective May 16, 2024.


Arrival Transition

Segmenti di transizione che conducono ai waypoints: ULJEP, SRN VOR/DME e ASTIG.

Transition segments leading to waypoints: ULJEP, SRN VOR/DME, and ASTIG.



ODINA – TR 149° (RDL 329 SRN VOR) – SULUR (+FL130) – TR 149° (RDL 329 SRN VOR) – SRN VOR/DME (+FL100)




GEN VOR/DME TR 055° (RDL 055 GEN VOR) – ULJEP (+FL100)


IDONA TR 353° (RDL 173 LIN VOR) ULJEP (+FL100)







Procedure che conducono agli IAF su DIXER, VOG VOR/DME e GANJE

Procedures leading to IAF on DIXER, VOG VOR/DME e GANJE


STAR from North


LUSIL – TR 219° (RDL 038 TZO VOR) – TZO VOR/DME (+FL140) – TR 236° (RDL 236 TZO VOR) – LIN VOR/DME – TR 234° (RDL 234 LIN VOR) – GANJE – TR 180° (RDL 180 SRN VOR) – VOG VOR/DME (+FL100)


LUSIL – TR 219° (RDL 038 TZO VOR) – TZO VOR/DME (+FL140) – TR 236° (RDL 236 TZO VOR) – LIN VOR/DME (+FL100) – TR 234° (RDL 234 LIN VOR) – GANJE (+FL100 or +6000ft at ATC discretion)


OSKOR – TR 255° (RDL 075 TZO VOR) TZO VOR/DME – TR 236° (RDL 236 TZO VOR) – LIN VOR/DME TR 234° (RDL 234 LIN VOR) – GANJE – TR 180° (RDL 180 SRN VOR) – VOG VOR/DME (+FL100)


SRN VOR/DME TR 180° (RDL 180 SRN VOR) – GANJE – TR 180° (RDL 360 VOG VOR) VOG VOR/DME (+FL100)


SRN VOR/DME – TR 180° (RDL 180 SRN VOR) – GANJE (+FL100 or +6000ft at ATC discretion)

Procedure strumentali di Milano Linate


STAR from West and East




OSBUL – TR 276° (RDL 095 VOG VOR) – LIMBA (+FL90) – RDL 173 LIN VOR – DIXER (+6000ft)

Procedure strumentali di Milano Linate


STAR from South


KALIK –TR 335° (RDL 155 LIN VOR) – RDL 095 VOG VOR (+FL100) – LIMBA (+FL90) – RDL 173 LIN VOR (+FL110) – DIXER (+6000ft)


KALIK TR 306° (RDL 125 VOG VOR) RDL 173 LIN VOR (+FL110) – LIMBA (+FL90) – DIXER (+6000ft)


ULJEP TR 353° (RDL 173 LIN VOR) LIMBA (+FL90) – DIXER (+6000ft)


GEN VOR/DME TR 349° (RDL 349 GEN VOR) ML602 – TR 349° (RDL 348 GEN VOR) – VOG VOR/DME (+FL100)

Procedure strumentali di Milano Linate

Sui waypoints DIXER, GANJE, LIMBA, VOG VOR/DME, SRN VOR/DME, KALIK, ULJEP e ASTIG, sono effettuabili circuiti d’attesa convenzionali.

Conventional holding patterns can be performed on DIXER, GANJE, LIMBA, VOG VOR/DME, SRN VOR/DME, KALIK, ULJEP and ASTIG waypoints.


Minimum Sector Altitude based on VOR/DME ‘LIN’.


Arrival Transition e STAR RWY 17
Arrival Transition

E’ previsto un solo segmento di transizione che conduce al waypoint ASTIG.

Only one transition segment is available. It leads to ASTIG waypoint.


TOP 5R (conventional)

TOP VOR/DME – TR 084° (RDL 264 VOG VOR) – ASTIG (+FL100)


TOP – TR 084° – ASTIG (+FL100)



Procedure che conducono agli IAF su SRN VOR/DME e TZO VOR/DME.

Procedures leading to IAF on SRN VOR/DME and TZO VOR/DME.


STAR from North

ODINA 3C (conventional)

ODINA – TR 130° (RDL 310 TZO VOR) – ROMUN (+FL130) – TZO VOR/DME (+6000ft)


ODINA – TR 130° – ROMUN (+FL130) – TZO (+6000ft)

ODINA 3D (At ATC discretion, conventional)

ODINA – TR 148° (RDL 328 SRN VOR) – SULUR (+FL130) – TR 149° (RDL 329 SRN VOR) SRN VOR/DME (+6000ft)

ODINA 3D (At ATC discretion, RNAV1)

ODINA – TR 148° – SULUR (+FL130) – TR 149° – SRN (+6000ft)


LUSIL – TR 203° – AFCOD (+FL140) – TR 247° – TZO (+6000ft)

Informazioni aggiornate alla variante AIRAC A8/24, in vigore dal 8 Agosto 2024.

Information updated at AIRAC A8/24, in force from August 8th, 2024.


OSKOR – TR 265° – AFCOD (+FL100) – TR 247° – TZO (+6000ft)

Procedure strumentali di Milano Linate


STAR from South

ASTIG 4D (conventional)

ASTIG TR 084° (RDL 264 VOG VOR) VOG VOR/DME (+FL100) – TR 360° (RDL 180 SRN VOR) – SRN VOR/DME (+6000ft)


ASTIG – TR 084° – VOG (+FL100) – TR 360° – SRN (+6000ft)

GEN 4D (conventional)

GEN VOR/DME TR 349° (RDL 349 GEN VOR) ML602 (+FL100) – TR 348° (RDL 348 GEN VOR) – VOG VOR/DME (+FL100) – TR 360° (RDL 180 SRN VOR) – SRN VOR/DME (+6000ft)


GEN – TR 349° – ML602 (+FL100) – TR 348° – VOG (+FL100) – TR 360° – SRN (+6000ft)

KALIK 2C (at ATC discretion, RNAV1)

KALIK TR 342° ML606 (+FL100) – TOVSA (+6000ft) – TR 348° – ML607 – TZO (+5000ft)

OSBUL 4C (at ATC discretion, conventional)

OSBUL TR 320° (RDL 140 TZO VOR NDB DORIN (+FL90) TZO VOR/DME (+6000ft)

OSBUL 3C (at ATC discretion, RNAV1)

OSBUL TR 320° DORIN (+FL90) TZO (+6000ft)

Procedure strumentali di Milano Linate

Sui waypoints SRN VOR/DME, KALIK, ASTIG, TZO VOR/DME, DORIN e AFCOD sono effettuabili circuiti d’attesa convenzionali.

On the waypoints SRN VOR/DME, KALIK, ASTIG, TZO VOR/DME,DORIN and AFCOD conventional holding patterns can be performed.


Minimum Sector Altitude based on VOR/DME ‘LIN’.




Procedure strumentali di avvicinamento




Transizione RNAV per l’ILS / RNAV to ILS transition:
Segmento iniziale da VOG / Initial segment from VOG

Circuito d’attesa su VOG (inbound 350°/outbound 170°, +FL100). Quindi TR 039° (ML707: +6000ft). Procedere su TR 039° fino a allIF su SOROP (+3000ft).

Holding pattern on VOG (inbound 350°/outbound 170°, +FL100). Then TR 039° (at ML707: +6000ft). Proceed on TR 039° until SOROP (IF, +3000ft).

Segmento iniziale da UNDAP / Initial segment from UNDAP

Circuito d’attesa su UNDAP (inbound 167°/outbound 347°, +5000ft, IAS MAX 210kt, 1min). Quindi TR 075° fino allIF SOROP (+3000ft, TR 353°).

Holding pattern on UNDAP (inbound 167°/outbound 347°, +5000ft, IAS MAX 210kt, 1min). Then TR 075° until SOROP (IF, +3000ft, TR 353°).

Segmento iniziale da UVNIB / initial segment from UVNIB

Circuito d’attesa su UVNIB (inbound 318°/outbound 138°, +5000ft, 1min). Quindi TR 268° fino all’IF SOROP (+3000ft, TR 353°).

Holding pattern on UVNIB (inbound 318°/outbound 138°, +5000ft, 1min). Then TR 268° until SOROP (IF. +3000ft, TR 353°).

Segmento iniziale da DIXER / initial segmenti from DIXER

Circuito d’attesa su DIXER (inbound 353°/outbound 173°, +6000ft, IAS MAX 200kt). Quindi TR 353° fino all’IF SOROP (+3000ft, TR 353°).

Holding pattern on DIXER (inbound 353°/outbound 173°, +6000ft). From DIXER proceed on TR 353° to intercept LOC signal. IF on SOROP (+3000ft).

Segmento iniziale da AGVAF / Initial segment from AGVAF

Circuito d’attesa/racetrack su AGVAF (inbound 353 °/outbound 173°; +2500ft; IAS MAX 230kt). Traverso AGVAF a 2120ft su TR 353°.

Nota: la procedura racetrack su AGVAF è a discrezione ATC e non è usabile in caso di avaria del GP.

Holding pattern/racetrack on AGVAF (inbound 353 °/outbound 173°; +2500ft; IAS MAX 230kt). Cross AGVAF at 2120ft on TR 353°.

Remark: racetrack procedure on AGVAF is at ATC discretion and it is not available during GP failure.


FAP a 8.4NM ILNT DME (+3000ft), segmento finale su TR 353°

FAP at 8.4NM ILNT DME (+3000ft) and final segment on TR 353°


Informazioni aggiornate alla variante AIRAC A8/24, in vigore dal 8 agosto 2024.

Information updated at AIRAC A8/24, in force from August 8th, 2024

Procedure strumentali di Linate

Mancato avvicinamento proseguendo su TR 353° fino a ML704 (+1000ft), quindi virata a destra (IAS MAX 210kt) verso il circuito d’attesa RNAV1 su TUCOZ (inbound 283°/outbound 103°; +3000ft – IAS MAX 210kt, 1min)

Missed approach proceeding on TR 353° until ML704 (+1000ft), then right turn (IAS MAX 210kt) bound to TUCOZ RNAV1 holding pattern (inbound 283°/outbound 103°; +3000ft – IAS MAX 210kt, 1min)

minime / minima

Nota / Remark:

I piloti devono prestare attenzione al rispetto delle seguenti restrizioni di velocità:

  • IAS MAX 160kt a 7NM dalla TDZ;

  • IAS MAX 200kt sull’IF (SOROP)

Pilots shall pay attention to comply with speed restrictions as follows:

  • IAS MAX 160kt at 7NM from TDZ;

  • IAS MAX 200kt at IF (SOROP)




Procedura rinominata con AIRAC A8/24, in vigore dal 8 Agosto 2024.

Procedure renamed by AIRAC A8/24, in force from August 8th 2024





Segmento iniziale da VOG / Initial segment from VOG

Circuito d’attesa su VOG VOR/DME (inbound 350°/outbound 170°, +FL100). Tratto outbound su TR 040° (a 9NM VOG DME: +6000ft). Procedere su TR 040° fino a intercettare il segnale del localizzatore su TR 353° per l’IF SOROP (+3000ft).

Holding pattern on VOG VOR/DME (inbound 350°/outbound 170°, +FL100). Outbound TR 040° (at 9NM VOG DME: +6000ft). Proceed on TR 040° until intercepting LOC signal on TR 353° bound to IF SOROP (+3000ft).

Segmento iniziale da VOG VOR/DME (a discrezione ATC) / Initial segment from VOG VOR/DME at ATC discretion

Circuito d’attesa su VOG VOR/DME (inbound 350°/outbound 170°, +FL100). Tratto outbound su TR 072°. A 13NM VOG DME, virata a sinistra su TR 353° per DIXER (+6000ft), quindi SOROP (IF, +3000ft).

Holding pattern on VOG VOR/DME (inbound 350°/outbound 170°, +FL100). Outbound TR 072°. At 13NM VOG DME, left turn on TR 353° to DIXER (+6000ft), then SOROP (IF, +3000ft).

Nota di

Il MCL su VOG VOR/DME (+FL90) che appare nella carta, sembra in contraddizione con quanto pubblicato nella variante A5/24 per le STAR e per la ILS-Z RWY 35.

Segmento iniziale da GANJE / initial segment from GANJE

Circuito d’attesa su GANJE (inbound 180°/outbound 360°, +FL100 o +6000ft a discrezione ATC, 1min). Quindi arco di 14NM LIN DME fino all’IF SOROP (+3000ft, TR 353°).

Holding pattern on GANJE (inbound 180°/outbound 360°, +FL100 or +6000ft at ATC discretion, 1min). Then arc of 14NM LIN DME until SOROP (IF. +3000ft, TR 353°).

Segmento iniziale da DIXER / initial segmenti from DIXER

Circuito d’attesa su DIXER (inbound 353°/outbound 173°, +6000ft, IAS MAX 200kt). Quindi TR 353° fino all’IF SOROP (+3000ft, TR 353°).

Holding pattern on DIXER (inbound 353°/outbound 173°, +6000ft). From DIXER proceed on TR 353° to intercept LOC signal. IF on SOROP (+3000ft).

Segmento iniziale da AGVAF / Initial segment from AGVAF

Circuito d’attesa/racetrack su AGVAF (inbound 353 °/outbound 173°; +2500ft; IAS MAX 230kt). Traverso AGVAF a 2120ft su TR 353°.

Nota: la procedura racetrack su AGVAF è a discrezione ATC e non è usabile in caso di avaria del GP.

Holding pattern/racetrack on AGVAF (inbound 353 °/outbound 173°; +2500ft; IAS MAX 230kt). Cross AGVAF at 2120ft on TR 353°.

Remark: racetrack procedure on AGVAF is at ATC discretion and it is not available during GP failure.


FAP/FAF a 8.4NM ILNT DME (+3000ft), segmento finale su TR 353°. MAPt sul MM quando il GP è inefficiente

FAP/FAF at 8.4NM ILNT DME (+3000ft) and final segment on TR 353°. MAPt on MM when GP is inoperative.


Informazioni aggiornate alla variante AIRAC A8/24, in vigore dal 8 agosto 2024.

Information updated at AIRAC A8/24, in force from August 8th, 2024


Mancato avvicinamento procedendo su TR 353°, quindi, a 4NM ILNT DME (+1000ft, IAS MAX 220kt) virare a destra verso il circuito d’attesa su TZO VOR/DME (inbound 323°/outbound 143°; +3000ft)

Missed approach proceeding on TR 353°, then, at 4NM ILNT DME (+1000ft, IAS MAX 220kt) right turn bound to TZO VOR/DME holding pattern (inbound 323°/outbound 143°; +3000ft)

Procedure strumentali di Milano Linate

Profilo / profile view

Minime / minima

Note come per ILS-Z RWY 35



IAF sui waypoints VOG, DIXER, UVNIB e UNDAP, sui quali sono anche previsti dei circuiti d’attesa RNAV1.

IAF on waypoints VOG, DIXER, UVNIB and UNDAP, where RNAV1 holding patterns are established.


Segmento iniziale da VOG / Initial segment from VOG

VOG (+FL100) – TR 039°ML707 (+6000ft) – SOROP (IF, +3000ft, IAS MAX 200kt)

Segmento iniziale da UNDAP / Initial segment from UNDAP

UNDAP (+5000ft) – TR 075°SOROP (IF, +3000ft, IAS MAX 200kt)

Segmento iniziale da UVNIB / Initial segment from UVNIB

UVNIB (+5000ft) – TR 268° SOROP (IF, +3000ft, IAS MAX 200kt)

Segmento iniziale da DIXER / Initial segment from DIXER

DIXER (+6000ft) – TR 353°SOROP (IF, +3000ft, IAS MAX 200kt).


Quindi TR 353°FAF su ML702 (+2500ft) e segmento finale su TR 353°.

MAPt su ML703 (LNAV only, flyover waypoint)

Mancato avvicinamento con virata a destra su ML704 (+1000ft, IAS MAX 210kt, flyover waypoint). Proseguire su TR 143°, quindi su TR 103° verso il circuito d’attesa RNAV1 sul flyover waypoint TUCOZ (inbound 283°/outbound 103°; +3000ft – IAS MAX 210kt, 1min)

Then TR 353° FAF on ML702 (+2500ft) and final segment on TR 353°.

MAPt on ML703 (LNAV only, flyover waypoint)

Missed approach: right turn on ML704 (+1000ft, IAS MAX 210kt, flyover waypoint). Proceed on TR 143°, then on TR 103° bound to RNAV1 holding pattern on flyover waypoint TUCOZ (inbound 283°/outbound 103°; +3000ft – IAS MAX 210kt, 1min)

Procedure strumentali di Milano Linate

Note / Remarks:

1) i punti UNDAP, DIXER, VOG e UVNIB sono flyover waypoint solo per il circuito d’attesa.

UNDAP, DIXER, VOG and UVNIB are flyover waypoint only for holding pattern.

2) performance di navigazione RNP APCH

navigation performance: RNP APCH

3) I piloti devono prestare attenzione al rispetto delle seguenti restrizioni di velocità:

  • IAS MAX 160kt a 7NM dalla TDZ;

  • IAS MAX 200kt sull’IF (SOROP)

Pilots shall pay attention to comply with speed restrictions as follows:

  • IAS MAX 160kt at 7NM from TDZ;

  • IAS MAX 200kt at IF (SOROP)


Profilo / Profile view

Minime / minima


Informazioni sulle minime aggiornate alla variante AIRAC A8/24, in vigore dal 8 agosto 2024.

minima information updated at AIRAC A8/24, in force from August 8th, 2024







Segmento iniziale da VOG / Initial segment from VOG

Circuito d’attesa su VOG VOR/DME (inbound 350°/outbound 170°, +FL100). Tratto outbound su TR 040° (a 9NM VOG DME: +6000ft). Procedere su TR 040° fino all’IF su SOROP (TR 353°, +3000ft).

Holding pattern on VOG VOR/DME (inbound 350°/outbound 170°, +FL100). Outbound TR 040° (at 9NM VOG DME: +6000ft). Proceed on TR 040° bound to IF SOROP (TR 353°, +3000ft).

Segmento iniziale da VOG VOR/DME (a discrezione ATC) / Initial segment from VOG VOR/DME at ATC discretion

Circuito d’attesa su VOG VOR/DME (inbound 350°/outbound 170°, +FL100). Tratto outbound su TR 072°. A 13NM VOG DME, virata a sinistra su TR 353° per DIXER (+6000ft), quindi SOROP (IF, +3000ft).

Holding pattern on VOG VOR/DME (inbound 350°/outbound 170°, +FL100). Outbound TR 072°. At 13NM VOG DME, left turn on TR 353° to DIXER (+6000ft), then SOROP (IF, +3000ft).

Segmento iniziale da GANJE / initial segment from GANJE

Circuito d’attesa su GANJE (inbound 180°/outbound 360°, +FL100 o +6000ft a discrezione ATC, 1min). Quindi arco di 14NM LIN DME fino all’IF SOROP (+3000ft, TR 353°).

Holding pattern on GANJE (inbound 180°/outbound 360°, +FL100 or +6000ft at ATC discretion, 1min). Then arc of 14NM LIN DME until SOROP (IF. +3000ft, TR 353°).

Segmento iniziale da DIXER / initial segmenti from DIXER

Circuito d’attesa su DIXER (inbound 353°/outbound 173°, +6000ft, IAS MAX 200kt). Quindi TR 353° fino all’IF SOROP (+3000ft, TR 353°).

Holding pattern on DIXER (inbound 353°/outbound 173°, +6000ft). From DIXER proceed on TR 353° to intercept LOC signal. IF on SOROP (+3000ft).



Segmento finale su TR 353° e MAPt a 2.1NM LIN DME.

Mancato avvicinamento come da ILS or LOC-Y RWY 35.


Final segment on TR 353° and MAPt at 2.1NM LIN DME.

Missed approach as per ILS or LOC-Y RWY 35.

Procedure strumentali di Milano Linate

Profilo / profile view

minime / minima


Nota / Remark:

1) I piloti devono prestare attenzione al rispetto delle seguenti restrizioni di velocità:

  • IAS MAX 160kt a 7NM dalla TDZ;

  • IAS MAX 200kt sull’IF

Pilots shall pay attention to comply with speed restrictions as follows:

  • IAS MAX 160kt at 7NM from TDZ;

  • IAS MAX 200kt at IF



IAF sui waypoints TZO e SRN sui quali sono anche previsti dei circuiti d’attesa RNAV1.

IAF on waypoints TZO and SRN, on which RNAV1 holding patterns are established.


Segmento iniziale da TZO / Initial segment from TZO

TZO (+5000ft) – TR 327° – ML714 – TR 264° – ML708 (IF, +4000ft, IAS MAX 200kt)

Segmento iniziale da SRN / Initial segment from SRN

SRN (+6000ft) – TR 084° – ML708 (IF, +4000ft. IAS MAX 200kt)


Quindi: TR 173° – FAF su ML709 (+3000ft) e segmento finale su TR 173°.

MAPt su THR17 (LNAV only, flyover waypoint)

Then TR 173° – FAF on ML709 (+3000ft) and final segment on TR 173°.

MAPt on THR17 (LNAV only, flyover waypoint)

Mancato avvicinamento con virata a sinistra su ML711 (IAS MAX 210kt, flyover waypoint) su TR 124° fino al circuito d’attesa che si svolge sul flyover waypoint FUCAT (inbound 280°/outbound 100°; +5000ft – IAS MAX 210kt, 1min)

Missed approach: left turn on ML711 (IAS MAX 210kt, flyover waypoint) – TR 124° until joining RNAV1 holding pattern on flyover waypoint FUCAT (inbound 280°/outbound 100°; +5000ft – IAS MAX 210kt, 1min)

Note / Remarks:

1) i punti TZO e SRN sono flyover waypoint solo per il circuito d’attesa.

TZO and SRN are flyover waypoints for holding pattern only.

2) performance di navigazione RNP APCH

Navigation performance RNP APCH

3) I piloti devono prestare attenzione al rispetto delle seguenti restrizioni di velocità:

  • IAS MAX 160kt a 7NM dalla TDZ;

  • IAS MAX 200kt sull’IF

Pilots shall pay attention to comply with speed restrictions as follows:

  • IAS MAX 160kt at 7NM from TDZ;

  • IAS MAX 200kt at IF


Profilo / profile view

Minime / minima



IAF e segmenti iniziali da SRN VOR/DME e TZO VOR/DME.

IAF and initial segments from SRN VOR/DME and TZO VOR/DME.


Segmento iniziale da SRN VOR/DME / initial segment from SRN VOR/DME

Circuito d’attesa su SRN VOR/DME (inbound 167°/outbound 347°, +6000ft, IAS MAX 210kt). Tratto outbound su TR 084° (INT RDL 343 LIN VOR: +4000ft). Virata a destra su RDL 353 LIN VOR (TR 173°). IF a 10NM LIN DME (+3600ft).

Holding pattern on SRN VOR/DME (inbound 167°/outbound 347°, +6000ft, IAS MAX 210kt). outbound leg on TR 084° (INT RDL 343 LIN VOR: +4000ft). Right turn on RDL 353 LIN VOR (TR 173°). IF a 10NM LIN DME (+3600ft).

Segmento iniziale da TZO VOR/DME / initial segment from TZO VOR/DME

Circuito d’attesa su TZO VOR/DME (inbound 323°/outbound 143°, +5000ft). Tratto outbound su TR 327°. Virata a sinistra per intercettare RDL 084 SRN VOR (TR 264°). Nuova virata a sinistra (INT RDL 003 LIN VOR: +4000ft) su RDL 353 LIN VOR (TR 173°). IF a 10NM LIN DME (+3600ft).

Holding pattern on TZO VOR/DME (inbound 323°/outbound 143°, +5000ft). Outbound leg on TR 327°. Left turn to intercept RDL 084 SRN VOR (TR 264°). Left turn again (INT RDL 003 LIN VOR: +4000ft) on RDL 353 LIN VOR (TR 173°). IF at 10NM LIN DME (+3600ft).


FAF (+3000ft) a 7.8NM LIN DME o 9.3NM ILNT DME.

Segmento finale su TR 173° e MAPt sul VOR/DME LIN.

FAF (+3000ft) at 7.8NM LIN DME or 9.3NM ILNT DME.

Final segment on TR 173° and MAPt on LIN VOR/DME.

Procedure strumentali di MIlano Linate

Mancato avvicinamento con virata a sinistra a 5NM LIN DME (3.5NM INLT DME) per intercettare RDL 124 LIN VOR (IAS MAX 220kt) e per inserirsi nel circuito d’attesa che si svolge sulla RDL 133 LIN VOR, fra 17NM e 20NM LIN DME (inbound TR 313°, +5000ft, IAS MAX 210kt)

Missed approach: Left turn at 5NM LIN DME (3.5NM INLT DME) to intercept RDL 124 LIN VOR (IAS MAX 220kt) and join holding pattern along RDL 133 LIN VOR, between 17NM and 20NM LIN DME (inbound TR 313°, +5000ft, IAS MAX 210kt)

profilo / profile view

minime / minima

Nota / Remark:

1) I piloti devono prestare attenzione al rispetto delle seguenti restrizioni di velocità:

  • IAS MAX 160kt a 7NM dalla TDZ;

  • IAS MAX 200kt sull’IF

Pilots shall pay attention to comply with speed restrictions as follows:

  • IAS MAX 160kt at 7NM from TDZ;

  • IAS MAX 200kt at IF



Controllo della velocità

A meno che diversamente istruiti dall’Ente ATC, i piloti dovranno osservare le seguenti velocità:

1) STAR RNAV1 e IAC: restrizioni di velocità pubblicate.
2) STAR e IAC dove le restrizioni di velocità non sono pubblicate, o aeromobili vettorati per un finale “pilot interpreted”:
A) 250kt IAS a FL 100 o al di sotto
B) 210kt IAS:
– iniziando la virata base
– a 20NM dalla TDZ
C) 190kt IAS a 12 NM dalla TDZ
D) 160kt IAS a 7 NM dalla TDZ.


Speed Control

Unless otherwise instructed by the ATC unit, pilots of arriving aircraft shall comply with the following speed

1) STAR RNAV1 and IAC: published speed limits.

2) STAR and IAC where speed limits are not published, or vectored aircraft for a pilot interpreted approach:

a) 250 kt IAS at or below FL100

b) 210 kt IAS:

starting the base turn

at 20 NM from TDZ

c) 190 kt IAS at 12 NM from TDZ

d) 160 kt IAS at 7 NM from TDZ




Initial climb e SID RWY 35
Procedura antirumore / Noise abatement procedure:

In aggiunta a quanto appresso stabilito, vedere anche AIP ENR 1.5 per la regolamentazione generale.

In applicazione del Regolamento ENAC 0003504/OML datato 05/09/2008, le seguenti SID saranno usate per le procedure di abbattimento del rumore.

Pertanto, tutto il traffico in partenza da Milano/Linate dovrà pianificare partenze strumentali in accordo al seguente schema:

In addition to what hereafter is stated, see also AIP ENR 1.5 for general provisions.

According to ENAC regulation 0003504/OML dated 2008/09/05, the following new SID will be used as noise abatement procedures. Consequently, all traffic departing from Milano/Linate aerodrome shall plan instrument departure and will be cleared by ATC according to following scheme:


Salita iniziale / Initial climb:

Dopo il decollo, procedere su rotta 353° e, a 500ft AGL (850ft AMSL), non prima di LIN VOR/DME:

After take-off proceed on track 353° and, at 500ft AGL (850ft AMSL) not before LIN VOR/DME:

a) se autorizzati per SID ABSEM 6A, RUVAB 7A, SRN 9D, TOVSA 7A e TZO 8C, virare a destra per inserirsi nella SID assegnata;

a) if cleared via SID ABSEM 6A, RUVAB 7A, SRN 9D, TOVSA 7A and TZO 8C, turn right to join the assigned SID;

b) se autorizzati per SID PEPAG 1A, RUVAB 6B o SRN 6A, virare a sinistra per inserirsi nella SID assegnata.

b) if cleared for SID PEPAG 1A, RUVAB 6B or SRN 6A, turn left to join the assigned SID;


SID Northbound, Westbound and Eastbound:
PEPAG 1A (conventional)

RDL 338 LIN VOR (at 3NM LIN DME: +2200ft; at 5.5NM LIN DME: +3500ft) – TR 018° to intercept RDL 342 LIN VOR (at 14NM LIN DME: +FL85; at 19NM LIN DME: +FL105; at 24NM LIN DME: +FL135) – PEPAG

Note / Remarks:

1. PDG: 9% (550 ft/NM).

2. Aeromobili con scarsa performance di salita, impossibilitati ad attenersi ai sopra indicati gradienti, dovranno avvisare l’ente ATC alla messa in moto e richiedere di essere autorizzati per una SID diretta a TZO.

2. Aircraft with poor climb performance, unable to comply with the above gradients, shall advise ATC at start-up and request to be cleared on a SID toward TZO.

3. SID utilizzabile dai soli aeromobili jet / SID restricted to jet aircraft.

4. Allo scopo di evitare aree sensibili vicine all’aeroporto, ritardi non giustificati nell’intercettare la radiale 338 LIN VOR dovranno essere evitati. / In order to avoid sensitive areas close to the airport, undue delay on joining RDL 338 LIN VOR must be avoided.


SRN 9D (conventional, at ATC discretion)

RDL 003 LIN VOR (at 2.5NM LIN DME: +2000ft; at 4NM LIN DME: +2800ft; at 8NM LIN DME: +4000ft) – RDL 097 SRN VOR (TR 277°) bound to SRN VOR/DME (+FL85)

Note / Remarks:

1. PDG fra LIN VOR e RDL 003/4 NM LIN VOR/DME 8% (486 ft/NM), quindi 5.5% (335 ft/NM).

PDG between LIN VOR and RDL 003/4 NM LIN VOR/DME 8% (486 ft/NM), then 5.5% (335 ft/NM).

2. Allo scopo di evitare aree sensibili vicine all’aeroporto, ritardi non giustificati nell’intercettare la radiale RDL 003 LIN VOR must be avoided.

In order to avoid sensitive areas close to the airport, undue delay in joining RDL 003 LIN VOR must be avoided.

SRN 6A (conventional)

RDL 338 LIN VOR (at 3NM LIN DME: +2200ft; at 5.5NM LIN DME: +3500ft; at 8NM LIN DME: +4000ft) – RDL/QDR 097 SRN VOR NDB (TR 277°) (at 2.5NM SRN DME: +FL90 at ATC discretion) bound to SRN VOR NDB/DME (+FL85)

PDG: 7.5% (462 ft/NM).

RUVAB 7A (conventional)

RDL 003 LIN VOR (at 2.5NM LIN DME: +2000ft; at 4NM LIN DME: +3000ft) – TR 025° – RODRU (+6000ft) – TR 051° bound to RUVAB (+FL105)


TR 353° – LIN (+850ft) – TR 003° – ML462 (+2000ft) –  ML468 (+3000ft) – TR 025° – RODRU (+6000ft) – TR 051° – RUVAB (+FL105)

Note / remarks:

1. PDG: fra LIN VOR e RDL 003/4 NM LIN VOR/DME (ML468) 10% (608 ft/NM).

PDG: between LIN VOR and RDL 003/4 NM LIN VOR/DME (ML468) 10% (608 ft/NM).

2. Allo scopo di evitare aree sensibili vicine all’aeroporto, ritardi non giustificati nell’intercettare la radiale RDL 003 LIN VOR must be avoided.

In order to avoid sensitive areas close to the airport, undue delay in joining RDL 003 LIN VOR must be avoided.

RUVAB 6B (conventional / at ATC discretion)

RDL 338 LIN VOR (at 3NM LIN DME: +2200ft; at 5.5NM LIN DME: +3500ft) – TR 018° to intercept RDL 350 LIN VOR (TR 350°)(at 14NM LIN DME: +FL85) – RDL/QDR 070 SRN VOR/NDB – RUVAB (+FL105)

Note / Remarks:

1. PDG: 9% (550 ft/NM).

2. Aeromobili con scarsa performance di salita, impossibilitati ad attenersi ai sopra indicati gradienti, dovranno avvisare l’ente ATC alla messa in moto e richiedere di essere autorizzati per una SID diretta a TZO.

Aircraft with poor climb performance, unable to comply with the above gradients, shall advise ATC at start-up and request to be cleared on a SID toward TZO.

3. SID utilizzabile dai soli aeromobili jet. / SID usable by jet airacraft only

4. Allo scopo di evitare aree sensibili vicine all’aeroporto, ritardi non giustificati nell’intercettare la radiale 338 LIN VOR dovranno essere evitati.

In order to avoid sensitive areas close to the airport, undue delay in joining RDL 003 LIN VOR must be avoided.

TZO 8C (conventional / at ATC discretion)

RDL 003 LIN VOR (at 2.5NM LIN DME: +2000ft; at 4NM LIN DME: +2800ft – RDL 267 TZO VOR – TZO VOR/DME (+FL85)

Note / Remarks:

1. obbligatoria per aeromobili turboelica o non equipaggiati RNAV

Compulsory only for turbo propeller aircraft or no RNAV equipped

2. PDG: fra LIN VOR e RDL 003/D4 LIN VOR/DME 8% (486 ft/NM).

PDG: Between LIN VOR e RDL 003/D4 LIN VOR/DME 8% (486 ft/NM).

3. Allo scopo di evitare aree sensibili vicine all’aeroporto, ritardi non giustificati nell’intercettare la radiale RDL 003 LIN VOR must be avoided.

In order to avoid sensitive areas close to the airport, undue delay in joining RDL 003 LIN VOR must be avoided.

4. Salire al circuito d’attesa su se ad un livello inferiore a FL85.

Climb in TZO holding pattern if at level lower than FL85.

ABSEM 6A (conventional)

RDL 003 LIN VOR (at 2.5NM LIN DME: +2000ft) – RDL 119 SRN VOR bound to ABSEM (+4000ft)


TR 353° – LIN (+850ft) – TR 003° – ML461 – ML462 (+2000ft) – ML463 – TR 089° – ML464 – TR 119° – ABSEM (+4000ft)

Note / remarks:

1. PDG: fra LIN VOR e RDL 003/D2.5 LIN VOR/DME 7.5% (456 ft/NM).

PDG: between LIN VOR and RDL 003/D2.5 LIN VOR/DME 7.5% (456 ft/NM).

2. restrizione di velocità sul punto di virata RDL 003/D2.5: IAS MAX 180kt; bank angle 25°, per seguire con precisione la traiettoria nominale.

Turn over point RDL 003/D2.5 shall be performed with IAS MAX 180kt and bank angle 25° in order to follow as close as possible the nominal trajectory.

3. Allo scopo di evitare aree sensibili vicine all’aeroporto, ritardi non giustificati nell’intercettare la radiale RDL 003 LIN VOR must be avoided.

In order to avoid sensitive areas close to the airport, undue delay in joining RDL 003 LIN VOR must be avoided.

Procedure strumentali di Milano Linate

SID Southbound :
TOVSA 7A (conventional)

(INT RDL 048 LIN VOR: +1500) – TR 128° (at 18NM SRN DME: +2500ft) – RDL 129 SRN VOR – ATGAM (+3500ft) – RDL 138 LIN VOR (TR 138°) – UVNIB (+5000ft) – RDL 145 LIN VOR (TR 145°) – TOVSA (+6000ft)


1. PDG: fra LIN VOR e INT TR 128°/18 NM SRN DME 7.5% (456 ft/NM).

PDG: between LIN VOR and INT TR 128°/18 NM SRN DME 7.5% (456 ft/NM).

2. Allo scopo di evitare aree sensibili vicine all’aeroporto, la prima virata dopo il decollo deve essere eseguita con bank angle non superiore a 20°.

In order to avoid sensitive areas close to the airport, the first turn after take-off shall be performed with bank angle not higher than 20°.




(pianificabili solo in caso di avaria di LIN VOR o SRN VOR / to be planned in case of LIN VOR or SRN VOR failure only)



TR 353° (+760ft) – ML507 (flyover waypoint, +1150ft) – ABSEM (+4600ft)

Minimum Climb Gradient: 8.0% (486ft/NM).


TR 353° (+760ft) – ML507 (flyover waypoint, +1150ft) – ABSEM (+4600ft) – TR156° – ML624 – TOVSA (+6000ft)

Minimum Climb Gradient: 8.0% (486ft/NM) fino ad ABSEM.

Procedure strumentali di Milano Linate


TR 353° (+760ft, IAS MAX 230kt) – ML507 (flyover waypoint, IAS MAX 230kt) – ML508 (IAS MAX 230kt) – ML509 (+5000ft, IAS MAX 230kt) – TR 277° – ML516 (+FL90 at ATC discretion) – SRN (+FL85)

Minimum Climb Gradient: 8.0% (486ft/NM).


TR 353° (+760ft, IAS MAX 250kt) – ML507 (flyover waypoint) – ML508 – ML509 (+5600ft) – TR 340° – ML503 (+FL85) – TR 350° – ML504 (+FL105) – ML506 (+FL135) – TR 324° – PEPAG

Minimum Climb Gradient: 9.0% (546ft/NM).


1. Aircraft with poor climb performance, unable to comply with the above gradients, shall advise ATC at start-up and request to be cleared on a SID towards TZO.

2. SID restricted to jet aircraft.


TR 353° (+760ft) – ML507 (flyover waypoint) – TR 353° – ML508 – ML509 (+5000ft) – TR 054° – RUVAB (+FL105)

Minimum Climb Gradient: 8.0% (486ft/NM).


TR 353° (+760ft) – ML507 (flyover waypoint) – ML508 – TR 087° – TZO (+FL85)

Minimum Climb Gradient: 8.7% (528ft/NM).

Procedure strumentali di Milano Linate



Nota / Remark:

ostacoli ravvicinati sull’estensione dell’asse pista e su entrambi i lati di esso, a circa 0.3NM dalla fine della pista.

Close-in obstacles straight ahead and on both side of extended runway centreline at aprox 0.3NM from end of RWY


Transition segments to Enroute RWY 35
TSE Westbound and Southwestbound:

ARLES 2A (conventional)

SRN VOR – TR 300° (RDL 300 SRN VOR) – IXORA (+FL120 or FL145 if LI R83 is active) ARLES (+FL180/190 depending on Geneve QNH)


SRN (+FL85) TR 300° – IXORA (+FL120 or FL145 if LI R83 is active) – ARLES (+FL180/190 depending on Geneve QNH)

OMETO 6A (conventional)

SRN VOR – TR 275° (RDL 275 SRN VOR) – BAVMI (+FL150) – OMETO (+FL180/190 depending on Geneve QNH)


SRN (+FL85) – TR 275° – BAVMI (+FL150) – OMETO (+FL180/190 depending on Geneve QNH)

NEDED 5A (at ATC discretion / RNAV1)

SRN – TR 266° – MMP – TR 244° – FARAK – TR 197° – TONDA – TR 186° – NEDED (+FL200)

LAGEN 5A (at ATC discretion / RNAV1)

SRN – TR 266° – MMP – TR 244° – FARAK – TR 197° – TONDA – TR 162° – LAGEN (+FL110)

Procedure strumentali di Milano Linate

TSE Northbound and Eastbound:


RUVAB – TR 083° – EKBUV (+FL120) – NESTI (+FL135)


RUVAB – TR 083° – EKBUV (+FL110) – TR 108° – ELTAR

OSKOR 8B (conventional / at ATC discretion)

TZO VOR – TR 075° (RDL 075 TZO VOR) (a 15NM TZO DME: +FL95) OSKOR (+FL125 or +FL110 if proceeding via AWY L615)

(compulsory only for turbo propeller aircraft or no RNAV equipped)

PEPAG 1B (conventional / at ATC discretion)

TZO VOR NDB – TR 039° (RDL/QDR 039 TZO VOR NDB) (a 15NM TZO DME: +FL95) RDL 303 BRL VOR (a 8NM BRL DME: +FL120; a 11NM BRL DME: +FL130; a 15NM BRL DME: +FL140) – OSVIC – PEPAG (+FL140/FL150 depending on Zurich QNH)

(compulsory only for turbo propeller aircraft or no RNAV equipped)

OSKOR 6D (at ATC discretion / RNAV1)

ABSEM – TR 121° – ML403 (+5000ft) – TUVIB (+6000ft) – TR 079° – ELBOD (+FL85) – TR 056° – VAKON (+FL105) – TR 023°OSKOR (+FL125 or +FL110 if proceeding via AWY L615)

TSE Southbound:

DEVOX 6B (at ATC discretion / RNAV1)

TOVSA – TR 235° – ML401 (+FL100) – DEVOX

GEN 7V (at ATC discretion /conventional)

TOVSA – TR 207° (RDL 027 GEN VOR) – INT RDL 027/ 34NM GEN VOR/DME (+FL100) – GEN VOR/DME

GEN 7V (at ATC discretion / RNAV1)

TOVSA – TR 207° – ML402 (+FL100) – GEN


TOVSA – TR 152° – APRIV (+FL100) – TR 243° – GEN


TOVSA – TR 152° – APRIV (+FL100) – TR 131° – EKPAL (+FL195)


ABSEM – TR 121° – ML403 (+5000ft) – TUVIB (+6000ft) – TR 145° – LOGDI (+FL115 or +FL 95 if proceeding via T293 to LURUT)

Procedure strumentali di Milano Linate



Omnidirectional departure area RWY 35

Per partenza omnidirezionale si intende una procedura di partenza che è progettata assumendo che l’aeromobile mantenga la direzione della pista fino a raggiungere un’altezza/altitudine tale da poter effettuare una virata in qualsiasi direzione e mantenere la separazione dagli ostacoli prescritta.

omnidirectional departure means a departure procedure that is designed on the basis that an aircraft maintains the runway direction until it reaches such a height that it can make a turn in any direction and maintain the obstacle clearance prescribed by the procedure


Descrizione / Description:

Procedere su prua pista salendo a 5000ft. Attraversando 850ft, virare a propria discrezione rimanendo nel settore compreso fra 341° e 128°. Attraversati i 3000ft, è previsto il vettoramento radar di Milano ACC in accordo a quanto pianificato. (MNM PDG 6.1% – 370ft/NM)

Proceed on runway heading by climbing to 5000ft. Crossing 850ft, turn at own discretion remaining in the sector between 341° and 128°. Reaching 3000ft, expect radar vectoring from Milano ACC according to the planning. (MNM PDG 6.1% – 370ft/NM)

Note / Remarks:

1) Settore calcolato dal punto situato 600m dopo l’inizio del decollo (centro dell’area di virata) che ha coordinate: 45°26’22.89″E 009°16’39.53″E

Sector evaluated from point located 600m after the start of take-off (centre of turn area) which has coordinates: 45°26’22.89″E 009°16’39.53″E

2) Prima del decollo i piloti devono comunicare al controllore la manovra prevista dopo aver raggiunto l’altitudine di virata.

Before take-off pilots shall report to the controller the expected manouvre after reaching the turn altitude.

3) Da utilizzare solo su richiesta del pilota in caso di condizioni meteorologiche avverse che impediscano l’utilizzo delle rotte prescritte per la procedura di abbattimento del rumore.

To be used only on pilot request in case of bad weather conditions preventing the use of the prescribed noise abatement departure routes.



Initial climb e SID RWY 17
Procedura antirumore:

In aggiunta a quanto appresso stabilito, vedere anche AIP ENR 1.5 per la regolamentazione generale.

In applicazione del Regolamento ENAC 0003504/OML datato 05/09/2008, le operazioni di decollo RWY 17 sono consentite solo quando le condizioni meteo o esigenze di sicurezza non consentono l’utilizzo della pista preferenziale 35.

Le seguenti SID saranno utilizzate per esigenze di abbattimento del rumore.

Pertanto, tutto il traffico in partenza da RWY 17 dovrà pianificare partenze strumentali e sarà autorizzato dall’ATC in accordo al seguente schema:

Noise abatement procedure:

In addition to what hereafter is stated, see also ENR 1.5 for general provisions.

According to ENAC provision 0003504/OML dated 05/09/2008, take-off operations from RWY 17 are permitted only when meteo conditions or safety reasons do not allow the use of the preferential RWY 35.

Following new SIDs will be used as noise abatement procedures. Consequently, all traffic departing from RWY 17 shall plan instrument departure and will be cleared by ATC according to the following scheme:

Salita iniziale / Initial climb:

a) se autorizzati via SID LIMBA 7C, dopo il decollo procedere su rotta 173° (RDL 173 LIN VOR)

If cleared via SID LIMBA 7C, after take-off proceed on track 173° (RDL 173 LIN VOR)

b) se autorizzati via SID MMP 7C, dopo il decollo procedere su rotta 173° (RDL 173 LIN VOR) fino a 4 NM LIN DME

If cleared via SID MMP 7C, after take-off proceed on track 173° (RDL 173 LIN VOR) until 4 NM LIN DME

c) se autorizzati via SID TOVSA 8C o TREVI 9D, dopo il decollo procedere su rotta 173°. A 500ft AGL (840ft AMSL), non prima del punto RDL 173/2.2 NM LIN VOR/DME, virare a sinistra per inserirsi sulla SID assegnata.

If cleared via SID TOVSA 8C or TREVI 9D, after take-off proceed on track 173°. At 500ft AGL (840ft AMSL), not before RDL 173/2.2 NM LIN VOR/DME, turn left to join the assigned SID


SID Westbound and Eastbound:

MMP 7C (conventional)

TR 243° (INT RDL 212 LIN VOR: +4500ft) – TR 315° (RDL 135 MMP VOR) (INT RDL 178 SRN VOR: +6000ft) bound to MMP VOR (+FL90).

PDG: 7% (426ft/NM).

TREVI 9D (conventional)

TR 108° – RDL 138 LIN VOR (at 8NM LIN DME: +3000ft; at 18NM LIN DME: +5000ft))– TR 020° – RDL 170 BRL VOR – TREVI (+FL95)

PDG: between RDL 173/2.2 NM LIN VOR/DME and RDL 138/8 NM LIN VOR/DME 6.5% (395ft/NM).

Procedure strumentali di Milano Linate

SID Southbound:

LIMBA 7C (conventional)

TR 173° (RDL 173 LIN VOR) (at 7NM LIN DME: +2600ft; at 20NM LIN DME: +6000ft – LIMBA (+FL100)


PDG: 7% (426ft/NM) until passing 3000ft.

TOVSA 8C (conventional)

TR 108° – RDL 138 LIN VOR (at 8NM LIN DME: +3000ft; at 18NM LIN DME: +5000ft) – RDL 144 LIN VOR – TOVSA (+6000ft)


PDG: between RDL 173/2.2 NM LIN VOR/DME and RDL 138/8 NM LIN VOR/DME 6.5% (395ft/NM).


(pianificabili solo in caso di avaria di LIN VOR / to be planned in case of LIN VOR unavailability only)




TR 173° (+740ft) – ML609 (+2600ft) – TR 263° – ML613 (+5000ft) – TR 307° – ODJOM (+FL90) – TR 348° – MMP

Minimum Climb Gradient: 7.0% (425ft/NM) until 5000ft.


TR 173° (+740ft) – ML609 (+2600ft) – ML614 (+6000ft) – LIMBA (+FL100)

Minimum Climb Gradient: 7.0% (425ft/NM)

Procedure strumentali di Milano Linate


TR 173° (+740ft) – ML609 (+2600ft) – ML614 (+6000ft) – TR 083° – ML624 – TR 013° – TREVI (+FL95)

Minimum Climb Gradient: 7.0% (425 FT/NM) until  ML614.


TR 173° (+740ft) – ML609 (+2600ft) – ML614 – TR 083° – ML624 – TR 156° – TOVSA (+6000ft)

Minimum Climb Gradient: 7.0% (425 FT/NM) until ML609.


Nota / Remark

ostacoli ravvicinati sulla destra dell’estensione dell’asse pista, a circa 0.2NM dalla fine della pista.

Close-in obstacles located on right side of extended RWY centreline at aprox 0.2NM from end of RWY.



Transition segments to Enroute RWY 17
TSE bound to North, East and West:

OMETO 9C (conventional)

MMP VOR – TR 283° (RDL 283° MMP VOR) (a 10.5NM MMP DME: +FL150) – BAVMI – RDL 275 SRN VOR – OMETO (+FL180/190 depending on Geneve QNH)

ARLES 9C (conventional)

MMP VOR – TR 330° (RDL 330 MMP) – IXORA (+FL120 or +FL145 if LI R83 is active) – ARLES (+FL180/190 depending on Geneve QNH)

PEPAG 1C (conventional)

TREVI – TR 350° (RDL 170 BRL VOR) – BRL VOR/DME (+FL105) – TR 303° (RDL 303 BRL VOR) (at 8NM BRL DME: +FL120; at 11NM BRL DME: +FL130; at 15NM BRL DME: +FL140) – OSVICPEPAG (+FL140/150 depending on Zurich QNH)


TREVI – TR 328° – RUVAB (+FL110) – TR 083° – EKBUV (+FL120) – NESTI (+FL135)


TREVI – TR 328° – RUVAB (+FL110) – TR 083° – EKBUV – TR 109° – ELTAR

Procedure strumentali di Milano Linate

TSE Southbound:

DEVOX 6B (at ATC discretion / RNAV1)

TOVSA – TR 235° – ML401 (+FL100) – DEVOX

GEN 7V (at ATC discretion / conventional)

TOVSA – TR 207° (RDL 027 GEN VOR) – INT RDL 027/ 34NM GEN VOR/DME (+FL100) – GEN VOR/DME

GEN 7V (at ATC discretion / RNAV1)

TOVSA – TR 207° – ML402 (+FL100) – GEN


TOVSA – TR 152° – APRIV (+FL100) – TR 131° – EKPAL (+FL195)


LIMBA – TR 119° – APRIV (+FL100) – TR 131° – EKPAL (+FL195)


TOVSA – TR 106° – PABRO (+FL90) – TR 147° – LOGDI (+FL115 or +FL95 FL 95 if proceeding via T293 to LURUT)


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